

Leica Nova TM50测量隧道

Authors: Lidija Špiranec & Steven Thurgood


Renewal work for this major rail hub began in 2010. One of the key constraints of the project was the presence of four railway tunnels beneath the site, which were part of the main connections with King’s Cross Station. These connections are utilised by hundreds of thousands of commuters every day.

为了进行开发项目,有必要在这些隧道的顶部建造邻近和越过。资产所有者的Network Rail结合使用,只要对隧道和轨道的任何移动进行分析,并安装了实时监控方案,就可以同意这可能发生。需要监视计划以确认预测的运动并衡量任何超越的运动,因此可以在发生任何损害基础设施之前停止工作,从而最大程度地减少对旅行者和火车的风险。


强壮的- 持续12年的合同持续时间
可扩展- 适应扩展
准确 /精确- to measure and report with confidence
Repeatable- 获得一致的观察
Automated- 在没有载人访问的环境中运行
Continuous- 24/7操作
无障碍- 对所有利益相关者

佩尔·弗里奇曼(Pell Frischmann)这是英国领先的咨询工程公司之一,拥有将近100年的经验,接受了这一监视挑战。该公司在使用了各种Leica Geosystems的工具和设备已有30多年的历史Leica Geosystems的监视解决方案由于可靠性,技术卓越,备份和支持,是正确的选择。因此,公司与SCCS Survey Equipment Ltd, part of Hexagon,英国Leica Geosystems测量设备的领先分销商,以提供所需的监视系统。

“ Leica Geosystems开发新产品的悠久历史,同时完全保持向后兼容性,确保可以在该项目的bob综合app下载延长期间使用最新设备扩展该系统。同时,Leica Geosystems的维护和支持网络意味着在整个项目生命周期内,所有购买的设备(无论其年龄如何)都可以使用备件和维修,” Pell Frischmann的资产管理总监Gary Weekes说。“ SCC在帮助指定合适的设备并协助设置系统方面的支持也是为项目选择Leica GeoSystems设备的关键驱动力。”

国王十字架上安装了两个独立的监控系统 - 主要的是,一个大地监测,具有自动总站(ATS),备用一个是岩土技术监测,可提供测量的冗余,提供更多信息,并提高结果的确定性和可靠性。bob apple


The equipment used for the project consisted of following sensors:



  • 9 xLeica Novatm50

  • 9 x AD12自相旋将的曲折

  • 82 x WiSenMeshNET Tilt nodes

  • 10 x wisenmeshnet倾斜和距离节点

  • 80 X通过wisenmeshnet界面节点连接的应变测量值

  • 4 X Leica TM30

  • 4 x AD12 self-levelling tribrachs

  • 30 x wisenmeshnet倾斜节点

  • 6 x WiSenMeshNET Tilt & distance nodes


Leica TM30/50监视总站提供了缩小测量激光束检测bob apple器灵敏度的能力,从而消除了这些长线性位点中相邻目标的干扰风险,这是Leica Geosystems仪器的独特能力。这使系统能够使用较少的总站配置,同时仍保持网络导轨所需的目标频率。bob apple监视仪器自动衡量:

  • 3 d隧道displacement by measuring five prism arrays attached to the tunnel lining at 10m cross sections

  • 通过测量轨道上每个导轨的棱镜对,用于恒定,扭曲,量规和对齐的导轨几何形状

在隧道之外,测量了一个稳定控制点的永久网络,以消除总站的运动。bob apple

The wireless tilt nodes were installed on the tunnel lining adjacent to the crown prism and track bed/sleepers at 3m intervals to mirror rail prisms. The wireless tilt and distance nodes were located on the tunnel lining at each 10-m cross section to measure convergence and ovalisation of the tunnel.

Once everything was installed, a track geometry measuring device with scanner and its dedicated software was used to measure/verify the tunnels and ensure the monitoring equipment was clear of passing trains and kinematic envelope.


使用Leica Geosystems促进了所有测量和岩土测量的数据获取和处理地球仪监视器。允许分配优先级和控制观察值的软件,而观察频率则可以调节以匹配动态事件。棱镜测量的计算结果进一步用于计算数学得出值的虚拟观察点,从而使各种数据源的复杂计算成为单个计算模型。定制变量根据活动和仪器定义了变形运动限制,警报和动作。数据可视化和报告使用Leica GeoSystems的基于云的服务无缝集成GeoMoS Now!

由于复杂环境和长时间的线性nature of the project with only stable areas at each end, the total station data required correction to a homogeneous model rather than each unit working independently. Thus, a fully-integrated and automated least square adjustment of the control network was computed real time during the observation cycles using Star*Net software by MicroSurvey Software Inc., part of Hexagon. The GeoMoS system was then automatically updated with live network adjustment coordinates for the entire network prior to each monitoring array observation.

“The use of GeoMoS Now! enabled us to establish simple, clear dashboards for the project. At any time, there were multiple contractors onsite, who were only interested in individual sections of the monitoring scheme. GeoMoS Monitor allowed specific alert regimes to be established for each contractor, with individual dashboards developed in GeoMoS Now!, which were login specific to that contractor.“, explained Weekes.


There were several complex challenges that the Pell Frischmann team had to overcome during the monitoring period. In the Thameslink Tunnels, trains were passing at 50 mph every five minutes, causing vibration and air movement, affecting instrument orientation and level. The access to the tunnels was limited to two four-hour shifts every three months, so a permanent solution was found by installing GeoLaser AD-12 self-levelling tribrach to enable remote users to correct the total station back to the horizontal plane without requiring access. This was fully controlled via GeoMoS Monitor.

In the Gasworks Tunnels there was a different challenge to be overcome – an oily soot residue. The brickwork in the tunnels had thick layers of it built up over time from the years of steam and diesel trains operating in the tunnels. This caused constant residue built up throughout the monitoring period. Therefore, the total station optics and prisms needed to be cleaned every couple of months to maintain signal strength, as part of the active maintenance plan.


Leica TM60运河隧道的装置,包括肮脏的乐器和煤气制造的棱镜


The reliability and accuracy of the equipment ensured that all work on the development near the tunnels could continue without any delays a decade later from 2010. This instilled confidence in the system from Network Rail and there has been no need to stop or slow trains, avoiding any financial penalties delays would have incurred.”



“The client and all stakeholders were very happy with the system and its performance. They particularly liked the real time unlimited access to the data, which enabled them to check any minor triggers and see trending without the need for any specialist knowledge or training on the system. We plan on sharing our level of satisfaction with this product within this collaborative network of companies, so it can be utilised on a wide range of projects,” concluded Weekes.

“Pell Frischmann provides innovative solutions working closely with Leica Geosystems and wider Hexagon team. They have responded promptly to any issues, including out of hours and have saved the project from the costs of any delays to trains”, added Alastair Mitchell, project director of Kings Cross Partnership.


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Get in contact with us for more information about our monitoring solutions.