High-density airborne LiDAR sensor ideal for challenging coastal survey of Sylt

Arctia-Meritaito efficiently produced a seamless digital terrain model of land and water along the shallow coastal areas of the German island of Sylt using a Leica Chiroptera 4X airborne bathymetric sensor.

Bathymetric surveying offers a unique opportunity to capture LiDAR point clouds and images of the transitional zone comprising shallow water and coastal land. This information provides valuable insights into environmental conditions, supports research and planning to protect vulnerable locations and aids marine navigation.

沿海调查受到水质的极大影响,水的质量可以通过旋转的沙子,藻类和海藻来降解。北海的困难条件加剧了这些问题,并增加了快速数据收集和可靠操作的重要性。芬兰公司Arctia-Meritaito Ltd。成功地完成了一项空中地形和测深的调查,该调查是一个流行的德国岛屿,以其度假胜地而闻名40公里(km) - 长沙滩Leica Chiroptera 4Xas its surveying instrument.

Sylt Island in northern Germany at the border to Denmark

Threats to the island

德国赛尔特岛位于Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea的外边缘,距离大陆9-16公里。尽管北海的其他岛屿被广泛的潮间砂和泥平。尽管试图减少沿着沙滩沿线的侵蚀,但潮汐潮流和流动,频繁的海风暴和高达10米(m)的狂热潮流,频繁的海风暴以及高达10米(m)的狂潮,挥舞着高达10米(m)的恶劣天气条件。自1980年代以来,保存工作一直集中在每年将沙子泵回海滩上,而不是建造不自然的混凝土结构。

LandesbetriebFürKüstenschutz,国家公园和Meeresschutz Schleswig-Holstein(National Office for Coastal Protection, National Park and Marine Protection Schleswig-Holstein) is responsible for drawing up coastal protection plans and implementing appropriate measures. In recent decades, the organization has experimented with different technologies to identify the most effective methods of maintaining the coastlines.

In the past, surveying vessels carried out the bathymetric mapping of the seabed. For profile lines with a total length of approximately 1,100 km, about four weeks was required to allow for the daily varying tide. Mapping was complicated by an underwater reef about 400 – 500 m off Sylt’s west coast, where the depths rise from about -6 m up to 3 m. Outside the reef, the depths in the open North Sea fall again to a depth of about -10 m. This reef has always been an obstacle to measuring the whole area with a vessel due to potential damage to the ship and equipment.

2020年,选择了Arctia-Meritaito与Leica Chiroptera 4X空降测深扫描仪进行调查。脊翅目4X通常可以渗透到25 m,甚至在理想条件下达到30 m的深度。椭圆形扫描模式捕获了前后视图,以提供两个相同点的数据集,从而降低了由波浪引起的噪声并增加了深度穿透。另外,激光束的倾斜视图捕获了垂直对象的数据。尽管Sylt周围有浊度和波浪,但Chiroptera 4X成功穿透了10 m以达到海床,满足了所有项目要求。

Photo of Sylt, taken from the survey aircraft

“来自空中的测深激光测量是捕获Sylt沿海地区的一种更合适的方法,”国家沿海保护局,国家公园和海洋保护局Schleswig-Holstein的测量,地形,形态学办公室的测量负责人Lutz Christiansen说。“通过在涨潮时在有利的天气条件下进行调查,Arctia-Meritaito成功地通过飞机实现了所需的深度和准确性,而不是冒着与船只搁浅的风险。基于这些结果,将来将使用空中的测深度测量每三年进行测量。”


这most notable challenge of collecting airborne bathymetric data is timing. Perfect timing produces a clean data set that is fast to process, while bad timing results in a very noisy data set that does not fulfil the specification, or even no data at all. In the area around Sylt, there are multiple issues. Too much wind makes white water and waves, while algae floating on the surface blocks the laser and fine sand stirred up from the seabed interferes with data collection.

“Being ready at the right time and making the best of the good weather window requires dedication and effort,” explains Mikko Ojala, head of airborne LiDAR bathymetry, Arctia-Meritaito. “The weather and water conditions can change very rapidly. We cannot perform topographic surveys when it is raining, and airborne bathymetric surveys are impacted by inflows of water from the land that increase turbidity. When conditions are finally right, the equipment needs to be functioning and ready to go.”


“We flew the whole area with only two flights, with one day between, and still the seabed topography had changed between the flights,” says Ojala. “This created a processing challenge because there were two seabeds in some places where the data from the previous flight overlapped.”

In addition to Terrasolid for point cloud processing and the QPS hydrographic software suite, Arctia-Meritaito usedLeica LiDAR Survey Studio (LSS)处理所有波形和位置数据,并包含来自Chiroptera 4X的四波段摄像机数据。基于Leica Geosystems的建议,Arctia具有LIDAR特定的处理设置。


为了确保指导未来保存决策的高质量结果,调查合同规定,仅应在有利条件(东风)下进行测量。可交付成果包括具有分类(1 m和10 m网格)和正射原的点云。高度精度必须优于20厘米,并且位置精度优于50 cm。处理是由Arctia-Meritaito完全完成的,结果在数据收集后约八周提供。

Ojala说:“我们在水中达到了每平方米5点(P/平方米)的最低点密度,因此证明了Chiroptera 4X满足浅水的一般行业需求。”“此外,同时收集了测深和地形点云以及空中图像的收集非常有效,并产生了从陆地到海底的无缝数据集。”

这west coast of Sylt, captured with the Leica Chiroptera 4X airborne bathymetric system

这data set confirms the status of the coastline and allows for further analysis. When compared with previous measurements, the 2020 survey indicates that the sand deposits added to the beach have contributed to the protection of the coast since the 1980s. Lutz Christiansen intends to continue monitoring of Sylt with periodic bathymetry measurements.

“我对结果感到非常满意。Chiroptera 4X达到了必要的深度。”克里斯蒂安森说。“数据密度,准确性和处理类型满足了我们所有的要求。这是一个出色的项目,可提供西海岸和海岸地区的最新状态。现在,我们有一个数字地形型号(DTM),从+20 m的陡峭海岸降至-10 m的水深。”

Results of the airborne bathymetric survey with the Leica Chiroptera 4X

Development of bathymetric mapping



More recently, the multibeam echosounder addressed the data gap issue; however, a multibeam echosounder is not always efficient in shallow waters. The survey swath gets narrower as the seabed rises toward the sensor. Other disadvantages include an increased risk of equipment damage or loss in shallow water if the vessel collides with an uncharted shoal, and the echosounder cannot produce seamless data from water to land.


“There were other sensors in the 2015 pilot project, but we saw that the Leica Chiroptera 4X provided the most promising results,” says Ojala. “By replacing single beam vessels with airborne LiDAR, we get full coverage in shallow waters with depth penetration down to 25 m depending on the conditions, while minimizing the risk of losing sensors. Now we collect land and water in one effort, instead of executing a separate survey for the land portion.”

这Schleswig-Holstein national agency for coastal protection has been evaluating airborne bathymetric technology since 1992. By 2015, results from deep-sea airborne LiDAR sensors compared to other types of sea measurements showed that airborne LiDAR was suitable and able to penetrate the water up to 3x Secci depth. Secci depth refers to a measurement of the turbidity of water, i.e., the depth at which light can no longer penetrate the water.

得益于激光技术的改进和更复杂的算法,如今,可以使用浅水传感器(例如Chiroptera 4X)达到-25 m或更多的深度,以前仅使用深海传感器或回声器才能实现。

Leica Chiroptera-5


