7 reasons to speak with the Hexagon Geosystems Track at HxGN LIVE 2015

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Have you ever wanted to stand out in our field? Does mentoring the next generation of measurement professionals appeal to you?

If you said 'yes,' then we're looking for you! We're featuring speakers with innovative ideas and excellent experiences in advanced technology, user testimonials, industry trends, interactive training and dynamic demonstrations.

仍然没有说服?以下是您应该考虑成为HXGN Live 2015年的地质系统轨道的发言者的七个原因:

  1. bob体育报道六角形和徕卡地铁系统认为you have a great story分享 - 让其他人从您的经验中获利。
  2. 参加VIP exclusive Speakers Networking Eventwith our management team.
  3. Bring您的公司进入聚光灯在全球礼堂,并获得潜在的新客户,甚至可能是未来的员工。
  4. Make yourself and your knowledge and experience高级产品管理可见- 告诉我们你的想法来塑造变化!
  5. 提升您的网络机会by making yourself visible to theHxGN LIVE与会者。
  6. 获得access to international mediaand share your projects with an even broader auditorium through possible interviews and features in world-known trade press.
  7. Speakers receive免费注册to the conference.


If we've piqued your interest, get in touch with our subtrack owners below to plan your presentation with a 150-word abstract. Hurry, the deadline to enter is 6 April 2015.

激光扫描/ HDS:Geoff Jacobs,geoff.jacobs@www.sendai-torema.com

Machine Control and Construction: Johan Arnberg (Acting),约翰。arnberg@hexbob体育报道agon.com.

Geospatial Solutions: Wolfgang Hesse,wolfgang.hesse@www.sendai-torema.com.

Case Studies

Read how customers from around the world are putting our diverse solutions into action to shape smart change.
Read how customers from around the world are putting our diverse solutions into action to shape smart change.

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找到您的Leica Geosystems联系以获取销售,支持和技术服务。