Let it flow

作者:Renata Barradas Gutiérrez


圣安东尼奥水力发电厂是能够的国内能源来源provide electricity to about 45 million Brazilians。根据国际水力发电协会(IHA)评估,位于亚马逊的中心,是巴西的第四大工厂,可持续性排名第一。

建立一个项目的努力,水的需求to be enclosed with cofferdams to create a dry environment for the major construction work to proceed. Upon competition of the hydroelectric plant, Grupo Toniolo Company had thecritical task to remove the downstream cofferdamso the Madeira River could flow freely through the turbines to generate electricity.

为了达到水力发电厂的全部潜力,Grupo Tonilo公司90天以去除33,000平方米的固体岩石,紧凑的土壤和组成Cofferdam的粘土。

With the commissioning of Consórcio Construtor Santo Antônio (CSAC), Grupo Toniolo geared up for this challenging project and set up the excavators with the Leica Geosystems 3D excavator machine control solution. The challenge of this project, however, didn’t only reside on the magnitude of the cofferdam’s volume – excavators had to be mounted on two barges to extract the material from the opaque waters of the Madeira River.

No more guesswork

Excavating with zero visibility through waterwith maximum performance and efficiency was possible for this project thanks to theLeica IXE3 3D系统。IXE3面板上的信息无需依靠操作员的猜测去除COFFERDAM材料,使操作员可以完全准确地知道where to dig and how deep.

“借助Leica的3D挖掘机控制解决方案,我们确切地知道Cofferdam在哪里以及从哪里开始删除材料。操作员got it right on the first time并很容易实现very good resultsGrupo Toniolo的所有者JohnisToníolo说。“没有Leica的Icon IEX3,我们将无法运行此类项目。就像一个盲人再次看到。”

Based on the bathymetric survey of the riverbed channel provided by CSAC, Grupo Toniolo designed aCAD 3D model to guide the excavation根据引用的设计。借助IEX3 3D/2D面板视图,运营商拥有完整的信息来操作挖掘机,还可以:

  • 可视化精确定位of the cofferdam without external survey support. The iEX3 screen shows the operator the cut and fills areas in the colour map.
  • Avoid overloading.The system tells the correct position of the bucket allowing blind and submerged cuts.
  • Eliminate over excavation.如果达到所需的深度,则控制面板屏幕中的颜色图更改为绿色


根据3D CAD模型,可以在马德拉河中快速准确开挖,从而导致saving time and costs。消除年级检查和返工使公司可以完成这项复杂的工作准时。Additionally, the skilled team of operators just needed几个小时的训练要开始操作挖掘机,没有任何外舱指示,请在棍子上标记或水位

“借助Leica的Icon IEX3解决方案,挖掘机的停机时间减少了50%,我们第一次完成了工作,因此不需要返工。使用该系统将我们的产量提高了40%,”GrupoToníolo生产工程师Frederico Martins说。



TheLeica ConXiCON office由3D挖掘机系统支持的解决方案启用了import and export of data from the office to the field和empoweredremote access from the field手术

Thanks to these software technology solutions Grupo Toniolo was able to:

  • Control the progress on-site,检查操作小时,并使用Icon远程信息处理从其基地的数字模型更新数字模型(CONX).
  • Verify and record excavation progress直接在机器屏幕和办公室上,带有图标远程信息处理(CONX).
  • Share with their customerall on-site data, calculate volume analysis, and generate various reports with the use of iCON office.


For this particular project, Grupo Tonilo dared to go digital with Leica’s 3D excavator machine control solution to以更快,更高效,更准确的方式自动化流程

“By using Leica’s iCON iXE3 3D system, our company benefited for the first time from 3D CAD models and state-of-the-art GNSS technology to guide an excavator machine,”马丁斯说。与Leica的3D挖掘机控制系统的首次接触意味着完整新工作流程for Grupo Toniolo – from the design to the operation, this project represented aninnovationon how they do business.

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