
世界上最快,最容易使用的GNSS RTK ROVER

Leica GS18 t

这GS18 T allows to measure and stake out points faster and more conveniently than ever before. With the GS18 T, it is not necessary to level the pole vertically while doing a measurement or while setting out. You can literally forget the bubble (#ForgetTheBubble). Following aLeica Geosystems GNSS业务总监Bernhard Richter的问答关于新产品,以下对Leica Geosystems应用程序工程师Paul Dainty的采访为我们提供了有关如何使用新Leica GS18 T及其工作原理的更深入的见解。

是什么使GS18 T不同?它是如何工作的?

Leica GS18 tis different from any other product in the market because it does not rely on a magnetometer to correct the pole tilt for each measurement. A magnetometer is affected by metallic objects, like vehicles, iron fences and beams or even reinforced concrete, all of which are often found on construction sites. In order to provide accurate and reliable tilt values, Leica Geosystems developed an application-specific, powerful and lightweight inertial micro unit (IMU), which is built into the GNSS antenna. The real -time tilt compensation combines GNSS data with the IMU’s tilt and direction values. Different to magnetometer-based GNSS antennas, the GS18 T’s tilt compensation does not need to be calibrated and is immune to metallic object interference.

What about the measurement performance in difficult conditions, such as urban canyons or woods with heavy canopy?

Leica Viva GS16, the Leica GS18 T is a self-learning GNSS Smart Antenna with a high-class performance. This adaptive measurement engine with RTKplus provides measurement engineers on construction sites with the best position by automatically selecting the optimal signal combination. In addition, the GS18T is well prepared for the future. With its 555 channels, it is able to track all signals from all major GNSS systems worldwide, like Glonass, Galileo, BeiDou or QZSS (more details can be found in theGS18 T datasheet).


准确性取决于许多因素。GNSS位置的准确性。如果我们查看指定的RTK解决方案,则与GS16相同 - 通常为8 mm + 1 ppm(单基线长度)Hz和15 mm + 1 ppm(单基线长度)V。TILT测量的准确性为划分倾斜精度和倾斜精度的方向。倾斜精度通常比0°12'00“更好,并且倾斜精度的方向通常优于1°00'00”。这意味着在1.8米长的长度上,整体倾斜精度通常优于斜角30°的杆尖处的20毫米。这种准确性是可比性的,大多数时间比使用具有20'级气泡的常规GNSS极使杆垂直。


  1. 随着倾斜的增加,倾斜精度下降,倾斜度的方向具有更高的影响
  2. 随着倾斜角的增加,天线开始失去某些卫星的轨道,因此降低了GNSS位置质量。

无论如何,位置质量指标Leica Captivate显示了GNS​​S的组合位置质量和倾斜质量,因此代表了真正的极尖端精度。

Leica GS18 t

Pole tip accuracy of 0.0175 metres, shown in Leica Captivate v3.0 on the field screen.



  • 观看和解释屏幕上的说明
  • Orienting, moving the pole according to the instructions
  • 握住杆子垂直。

但是,不再需要握住杆子的垂直。与GS18 T和新的吸引v3.0,阐明是非常简化的,并且是全新的体验。使用倾斜的杆信息和传感器标题,直观的3D赌注说明现在使导航到赌注点变得更加容易。

Leica GS18 t


Leica Geosystems的意思是“难以到达在之前无法衡量的点”的含义?

使用常规的GNSS RTK漫游器,诸如障碍物之下的拐角,墙壁,围栏,轻柱或诸如汽车之类的点之类的点之类的点不能直接用垂直杆直接测量。例如,要测量建筑物的角落,您必须测量附近的一个点,并使用诸如Total Station之类的替代方法对该点进行偏移或对其进行测量 - 这两个选项都需要时间来降低生产力。使用GS18 t,可以直接测量建筑物的角落,因为杆可以倾斜并容易地放置在拐角处。对于所有其他难以到达对象的东西也是如此,这意味着GS18 t使测量比以往任何时候都更容易,更快。

为了更好地理解,我建议观看GS18 t操作效果:


这是一个非常好的问题,也是人们一直在问的问题。当测量建筑物旁边时,多路径的数量可能会增加,而建筑物的一部分视图将被建筑物阻塞,从而减少了可见的卫星数量。这使得GNSS条件具有挑战性。带有RTKPLUS技术的GS18 T是自学习的,这意味着传感器将自动使用最佳信号并广泛减轻多路径信号来计算其位置。只要传感器可以跟踪足够的卫星,就会计算RTK位置,并显示GNSS位置质量。因此,尽管准确性不太可能像开放式天空时那样好,但显示的GNSS位置质量可以信任,因此您始终知道测量点的准确性。

在哪里可以尝试新的Leica GS18?

Easily, just contact your当地的Leica Geosystems分销商并要求一个动手演示。

Paul Dainty

Paul Dainty
Application Engineer at Leica Geosystems

Immune to magnetic disturbances and calibration-free – no need to level
Immune to magnetic disturbances and calibration-free – no need to level

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