

Edgar Cardoso bridge rehabilitation monitoring case study main Key Visual


The Edgar Cardoso bridge in Figueira da Foz, Portugal, is named after the famous civil engineer and professor of bridge construction. Cardoso was a pioneer of the experimental analysis of structures and developed his own high-precision measurement instruments. André Melrinho, Engineer Surveyor from葡萄牙的Infraestruturas(IP),相信Cardoso会批准在其最新翻新之前用于监视桥梁的新技术。Melrinho和他的团队使用了Leica Geosystems monitoring solutions收集和处理数据以显示其结构性行为。根据获得的结果制定了桥梁的维护计划,以确保它符合当前的安全标准,并继续支持跨Mondego河的旅行者。

IP is a state-owned organisation that manages transport infrastructure in Portugal. Its purpose is to plan, design, construct, maintain and operate the national road and railway networks and rehabilitate, extend and modernise them when necessary. The Edgar Cardoso Bridge – 1421 m long, including a cable-stayed bridge and two approach viaducts – was completed in 1982. It is subject to regular maintenance. During the latest evaluation of the bridge, IP assumed the monitoring project to support and prepare recommendations for structural work. According to the IP surveying team, “measurements were essential to define the structural behaviour, and plan a proper and more efficient maintenance intervention.”

Edgar Cardoso bridge rehabilitation monitoring case study total station image


桥梁是一种不断变化的结构,为工程测量师带来了独特的挑战。设备需要精确,敏感,但坚固且防风雨。在以前的类似项目中使用了Leica Geosystems设备,该团队选择了Leica Nova TM50I总站和44 GPR112反射仪;气象传感器以监测温度和大气压;和GeoMoS Monitor, GeoMoS AnalyzerGeoMoS Now!用于数据处理和分析的软件。总站测量用于用毫米精度量化桥梁的运动。准确的信息对该项目至关重要,而解决方案产生的位移的体积和准确性是选择技术的决定因素。

Forming structural predictions from comprehensive data

IP团队说,监测过程中收集的数据至关重要,“允许[美国]一致地了解桥梁的行为。”他们解释了一些进行的一些全面测量:“ TM50I收集水平,垂直角度和距离,从大气效应和处理所有观测后的位移得到适当校正。目的是评估结构位移”。The team needed to measure over an extended period to see how the bridge responded to different conditions, to “better define [the] structure’s behaviour when it’s under external factors, such as heavy traffic loads, severe atmospheric conditions, etc..” Being a cable-stayed construction, the behaviour of the bridge towers is of critical importance. “The vertical component will have a very relevant impact since more significant fluctuations in this component are expected.”

除运动数据外,Leica Geomos软件收集并处理了来自天气传感器的气象信息。图形和报告现在由Geomos生成!团队用来将结果传达给其他IP同事的Web应用程序。


With numerous solutions for remote access, it is easy to access the Leica solution, check, modify, or adjust the processing and download the data from the database created by Leica Geosystems. The total station performs continuous measurements, which were automatically processed via GeoMoS Monitor and GeoMoS Analyser. Results were made available round the clock via GeoMoS Analyzer and GeoMoS Now! web-based application. Once set up, the team could monitor the bridge without needing to be on-site, saving considerable time. The IP team said that the system was “precise, continuous and automatically remotely accessible.”

IP团队还从Leica Geosystems支持团队获得了防火墙问题的快速远程帮助。“专业的Leica Geosystems技术人员有必要访问瑞士办公室的IP服务,以识别和解决防火墙冲突。一切都非常有效,几分钟后,发现了解决方案。”团队还对培训感到满意,该培训确保他们将系统发挥了最大的潜力。“我们与Leica Geosystems团队促进了联合培训课程,并进行了内部培训课程,这是一个持续的过程。最初的学习过程非常加速;[我们]在少于3到4天的时间内实现了该过程的自动化。”

Trusted partner and technology

When working on infrastructure, it is essential to trust your instruments. Following the successful completion of the monitoring, the surveying team at IP will use the Leica Geosystems solution on their next projects. They say, “the equipment, processes, and other accessories show great robustness and reliability. Due to the system's ease of integrating the various components and time saving, we expect to replicate this solution soon, namely in road and rail infrastructures.”

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