Leica Captivate Inspect Road Surface and Tunnel Alignment

A few weeks ago, Leica Captivate v2 was released – included in this release was additional functionality for the Inspect Surface app – it is now possible to inspect road surfaces and tunnels.

阿拉斯泰尔·格林(Alastair Green), onboard software business director at Leica Geosystems, will explain more about the app in this blog post. there is also a link included to video highlighting the new functionality...


Of course. First let me remind readers we already released the Inspect Surface app with Leica Captivate v1.30 in December 2015. Have a look at this video to remind yourself how this app allowed simple surfaces, such as horizontal floors, vertical walls and cylinders to be inspected – by inspected I mean to compare the reality with design


Leica Captivate
A heat map of the surface.

新功能是,现在还可以以类似的方式检查道路表面和隧道对齐方式 - 观看此视频以了解有关此的更多信息。

这是什么意思 - 现在还可以检查道路表面和隧道对齐方式?


Leica Captivate
A road design against reality.

现在,您可以测量所构建的道路表面并将其比较原始的道路设计 - 在田野中,您可以看到所有不容忍区域。如果需要,请创建表面的全面报告 - 所有这些都非常有用,可以检查道路各个层的完成水平或评估需要进行维修的位置。

或者,如果您在隧道中工作,则可以迄今为止测量发掘工作 - 并立即查看额外的岩石需要突破的区域,或者在需要更多隧道衬里需要的地方。

>Leica Captivate


Leica Captivate
The instrument pointing to the area needing work.

好的 - 但是用户如何向工人指示需要工作的区域?

Easy! From the pop-up menu, select the Turn to point and the instrument will turn to the selected point – the red laser device shows exactly where it is necessary to make changes.

What instrument can use this app?

该应用程序可用于Leica CS20控制器,CS35平板电脑,TS16和TS60机器人总站以及多稳态MS60。bob apple



No, all total stations and even GNSS receivers can use this app – simply measure the point in the usual way and compare the measured points with a design surface.


了解更多信息的最好方法是查看此博客中链接的视频或Leica Geosystems YouTubechannel.

There are two videos covering several use cases for the Inspect Surface app but I’m sure our customers can think of many more!

Thanks Alastair
No problem. My pleasure

Leica Captivate

阿拉斯泰尔·格林(Alastair Green)

Case Studies


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