
有许多意图sons someone would call a surveyor.

Surveyors take care not only of the infrastructure above us and the utilities below our feet but are measurement experts that can provide the most accurate geospatial data needed to make informed decisions that ensure the safety of everyone – be it humans or nature.

The Tiemann & Partner测量公司has more than 50 years of experience fulfilling the measuring and positioning needs across many industries, including building, municipalities, utilities, infrastructure and more. One recent call requested to provide an environmental management service – the mapping of a noxious weed from a dumping ground formed and greened out of a landfill.

在Tiemann&Partner提供Leica Geosystems设备的许多测量服务中,这家德国测量公司提供数据服务。从数据获取到数据处理和GIS服务,再到Geodata管理。这种专业知识,结合了新的Leica FLX100天线paired with an Augmented Reality (AR) app set the company for success in its new environmental management mission.

Visiting a transformed waste dump

与德国Ruhr地区的其他山丘一样,Grevel垃圾场已从废物垃圾场转变为种植植被的修复尸体。从矿场或工业地点,这种矿渣堆或垃圾材料区域在当地被称为“ Greveler Alm”。转换后的废物垃圾场现在为动物提供了一个新的栖息地,并已成为游览和当地娱乐场所的热门目的地,欣赏周围地区的壮丽景色。

But as in any green area, pests need to be managed and controlled. There are giant hogweed sites on the slag heap which are being recorded. The spread and growth of the giant hogweed, considered to be a noxious weed, is to be prevented by intensive mowing. The control is carried out in an ecological way without the use of additional chemicals.

Previously, a surveyor would record the locations of the giant hogweed with a GNSS controller, add the recorded coordinates into site plans and send PDF files to an engineering company. Engineers and landscape conservationists had then to print out these plans and navigate to the giant hogweed sites on the slag heap, using a traditional map-based navigation system.

Making invisible assets visible on-site

For this and further GIS requests, Tiemann & Partner need a lightweight and affordable GIS data collector that could be coupled to a smartphone, while providing a reliable position coordinate and be compatible with the AR application.

Fitting all criteria, Tiemann & Partner selected the FLX100 Antenna. For its first task, a field worker easily paired the antenna withLeica Zeno Connect软件using an Android smartphone with FX Reality App. The combination of the FLX antenna with the AR app fromFroxoverlays data into the visible world and provides users with the assets they need to visualise on location in real time.

“The digitalisation of the workflow leads to a considerable cost and speed advantage. The acquisition, data preparation and provision are accelerated by at least 70%,”says Ingo Tiemann, surveying engineer and CEO at Tiemann & Partner.


以前存在的在纸上可以看到在their fingertips as they walk, including underground objects like pipes and ducts. Besides experiencing data visually, Tiemann & Partner surveyors can maintain or measure with centimetre accuracy any points, lines or areas. With the antenna and app solution, crew members can control, add attributes or record in 3D AR or in a 2D map.

“不再需要模拟计划,并且所有参与过程的人都提供了更大的灵活性。此外,数据始终是最新的,并且有一个中央数据库,”explains Ingo Tiemann, surveying engineer and CEO at Tiemann & Partner. “对于非服务员或制图师来说,使用增强现实进行搜索和校准更容易,更快。”


To record and maintain the poisonous weed, Tiemann & Partner used this solution and recorded point and line objects in every location while storing GIS metadata, such as DOP values and accuracy. All collected data was made available to stakeholders via ArcGIS.

“通过增强现实方法,模拟计划和工作流变得不必要。数据是由测量办公室或EDG员工直接在现场使用FX Reality应用程序和FLX100 GNSS天线收集的。捕获的数据是直接编写的,并在ArcGIS平台上的功能服务中写入属性和照片,”declares surveying engineer and CEO at Tiemann & Partner.


“GNSS surveying creates a highly accurate coordinate of each location, which has clear advantages over a coordinate mapped to within 20m. Especially in regular checks, it can be seen directly whether the mowing work is successful against growth,”explains Ingo Tiemann surveying engineer and CEO at Tiemann & Partner.

Getting ready in less than one hour

Tiemann & Partner relies on Leica Geosystems as its technology provider. Before getting the FLX100 antenna, they relied on the Zeno Series GG04 plus for GIS data collection. A one-hour briefing is all Tiemann & Partner required to start collecting high-accurate data with the FLX100 smart antenna and FX Reality App.

“ GNSS天线的连接是通过插头和播放来工作的,在AR界面中的校准和搜索非常直观。Using the FLX100 on a pole, in a breast pocket, as a handheld standing on the object or on the ground is ideal. The flexibility is therefore enormously high in its application,”says Ingo Tiemann surveying engineer and CEO at Tiemann & Partner.


What applies to mowed weed can also be harnessed for invisible structures such as underground lines, utilities, boundary lines and planned buildings – all important components of a digital twin. Merging technologies, like GNSS and VR, into single workflows, allow everyone to experience and interact with data in more efficient and smart ways. Capturing and displaying information in real environments instantly enables better decision making, saving time and resources.

Although there are many reasons someone would call a surveyor, with the FLX 100 in combination with FX Reality from frox non-professionals can easily collect GIS data too.

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