
Author:Renata Barradas Gutierrez

Laser scanning, along with GNSS and remote sensing, has revolutionised the surveying profession in the last years. With the possibility to capture large amounts of data in a relatively short time, laser scanners are must-have instruments for collecting data that range from a simple topographic survey to a 3D model to preserve cultural heritage.


专门从事3D测量和数字建筑建模技术解决方案的公司Digiscript Philippines Inc.,在菲律宾曼德鲁扬(Mandaluyong Philippines)的Don Bosco技术学院(DBTC)的学生进行了动手培训计划,该计划如何使用激光扫描技术并提供好处这项技术可帮助他们发展自己的领域新技能。




Aware that students should leave the pens and paper maps aside and be prepared to collect and share information digitally, Digiscript inspired young potential surveyors by introducing students to High Definition Surveying (HDS). The company’s experts taught engineering and architect students the HDS applications for as-built, engineering and heritage preservation.

作为教学议程的一部分,Digiscript对DBTC的旧建筑进行了实际的3D激光调查,并通过动手培训如何安装Leica Cyclone Point Cloud处理和建模软件,如何导航和可视化3D点云,以及如何准备成构建的图纸。由于Leica ScanStation C10的多功能性和易用性,学生能够在很短的时间内学习如何在很短的时间内使用扫描仪。

“It is very important for us students to stay updated with the latest technology,” said Eric Solis, architecture student at DBTC.

“We are glad to know that there are more efficient ways of doing as-built drawings,” continued Paulo Riviera, engineering student at DBTC.





While teaching students the benefits of laser scanning technology, Digiscript scanned the old building of DBTC, a building that has witnessed 300 years of history, and has an educational institution for technical professionals for more than 60 years.


“这是一个历史上的事件,将永远保存旧建筑物,”神父总结道。Demetrio Carmona,DBTC的副校长。

Taking the lead


Digiscript pioneered HDS in the Philippines in 2008. Since then, the firm has worked providing custom tailored 3D solutions for extensive projects and applications for various industries.

“Delivering value is what we guarantee,” expressed Conrad Alampay, president of Digiscript.

无论是确保自由冲突的机械,电气和管道(MEP)设计,支撑结构或管道的制造,了解地点的一般地形,还是捕获在历史遗址中看到的复杂的几何形状,Digisiscript一直在开发中为业务开展业务Leica Geosystems激光扫描技术的新兴市场。

Sampayan说:“我们通过使用Leica Geosystems解决方案提供结果来帮助他们测量,管理,设计和可视化当前的物理环境,以便获得对其网站的全面了解,”“正是通过这种理解形成了想法,愿景变得清晰,采取行动的途径在塑造明天进步的最终目标中得到了揭示。”


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