
  • a)你发现了一个令人兴奋的位置,符合您的期望并符合您的资格?然后让我们不要浪费时间并通过我们的在线门户直接申请。

    b)几个工作对你有趣?- 别担心,申请一个工作并联系我们告诉我们您想要考虑的任何其他职位。

    c) You are exactly the person we are looking for, but you can't find a suitable opening position? Then keep up to date with our工作通讯. Maybe there will be something soon.

  • 2. What's next?

    Once we've made a decision, we`ll review and discuss your profile with the responsible Hiring Manager. Once we've made up our mind, you'll be contacted via e-mail. Hopefully with good news and you`ll be invited for a first conversation (manly via phone / online session). The main purpose of this first round is to get an impression for both parties – not only on a professional level but more importantly on a personal level.

  • 3.可能但不是必然!

    For certain positions, we appreciate a technical discussion before we meet in person. This online session provides an even better understanding on technology stack and how well we could work together on a technical Level.

  • 让我们见面


  • 最后但并非最不重要的
