米erging state-of-the-art with heritage: bringing new life to a historical structure with 3D laser scanning

Case study

Author: Matthew Dowell, RM Surveys Laser Scanning/GIS Lead

米r Matthew Dowell is Laser Scanning & GIS Lead at RM Surveys. As a geospatial data specialist with international experience, Matt champions High-Definition Surveying across the architectural, engineering and construction industries.

RM调查,为商业,资源和住宅行业提供端到端调查解决方案的澳大利亚公司很高兴成为新的一部分Western Australian Museum建筑项目。这项395.9澳元的项目包括设计和建造与现有遗产建筑集成的新建筑物;遗产修复适用于老守高,禧年,博福特和哈克特建筑物;以及新西澳大利亚博物馆网站的公共艺术项目。


The task? Four, heritage buildings initially made from timber required structural steel to reinforce and enable improved exhibits. RM Surveys were tasked with the laser scanning component of the project, which includes the large halls featuring 6,000 square metres of galleries to stage large scale special exhibitions, learning studios, spaces to experience behind the scenes work of the Western Australian Museum.

Going where no other laser scanner has gone before

RM调查团队使用了一些Leica Geosystems解决方案来捕获,建模和分析数据。从Leica ScanStation P40调查级3D激光扫描仪,测量师在大型大厅中使用了扫描仪P40,因为它在大空间中的准确性很高。

The Western Australian Museum project was the first opportunity to integrate their newLeica BLK360imaging laser scanner into the project workflow.



“This project allowed us to learn about the capabilities of the BLK360 in small spaces. It was the only option our team had to capture the confined spaces, with the challenge being to maintain safety, accuracy and scope,” said Matthew Dowell, RM Surveys Laser Scanning/GIS lead.

RM调查used狮子旋风REGISTER360 post-processing office software to register and clean the final scan data.Leica CloudWorx用于直接与AutoCAD内部的点云进行有效工作,以进行木结构的3D建模。

The other challenge aside from navigating the tight space was the difficulty to gain survey control in the roof. Being a heritage building meant that the team could not cut or make any roof penetrations.


The new Western Australian Museum opened its doors to the public on Saturday, 21 November, with a new building and a new name: WA Museum Boola Bardip. The museum was designed and built by Multiplex and Hassell + OMA, and recently shortlisted for an Australian Construction Achievement Award.

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