Versatile geospatial solutions

作者:肯·穆伊曼(Ken Mooyman)

Versatile geospatial solutions



全球变暖增加了自然灾害的频率,例如降雨后山体滑坡,融化冰川,雪崩或岩石降临。此外,在许多国家 /地区,由于城市化和建筑活动导致压力的增加,基础设施正在衰老,并且变得脆弱。例如,美国600,000座桥梁中有40%已有50多年的历史。十一位中有一个在结构上不足。



Media and Entertainment

推动实现ever-more-stunning视觉了cts in films and video games creates demand for solutions that help achieve these effects in faster, better and more cost-efficient ways. By capturing real-life environments using Reality Capture solutions and turning them into digital realities, movie makers and game designers can quickly create 3D models. These serve as bases for their fictional worlds, which would be extremely difficult, time-consuming or even impossible to build from scratch. Hexagon solutions are a perfect match for an industry that expects stellar quality and speedy delivery. Easy-to-use laser scanners such as the Leica BLK360 and Leica BLK2GO make it easier for professionals to acquire 3D data capture for movie and game production.

Creative professionals can turn these digital worlds they design into immersive experiences that allow the visitor to enter a scene and to move through it. Such compelling experiences can be emotionally moving. Some people compare their intensity to real-life memories. Environmental organisations are increasingly using the same technology, that is, reality capture and virtual reality, for edutainment: Teaching people about environmental protection in an absorbing and engaging manner. People can virtually experience threatened ecosystems, including coral reefs or old-growth forests, that they couldn’t access otherwise. Research shows that such experiences incentivise people to learn and increase their sense of connectedness to the issue.


Access to accurate information and complete visibility of evidence at an incident scene is essential for public safety professionals. Minute details can contain crucial information. To preserve such information through a virtual copy – the Forensic Digital Twin – public safety professionals use Hexagon Geosystems’ laser scanning, total stations, UAV, and mobile mapping solutions to instantly capture and visualise crime, crash or fire scenes. In many instances, investigators may not be able to revisit the scene for months or even years. During that period, pertinent information can get lost. Reviewing and analysing the Forensic Digital Twin helps police officers, investigators, prosecutors, judges and others to clarify or understand the course of events.

Apart from evidence gathering on an incident scene, digital twins can help major-event organisers understand crowd behaviour,identify bottlenecks, map escape routes and model scenarios to ensure effective crowd control and protection. Security service companies can use accurate digital models to identify and mitigate threats. Security managers, organisers and first responders can explore a 3D environment, zoom in on details, annotate and prevent threats.


Facilitating rail transport is a crucial step toward reducing global carbon emissions.

铁路是一个safety-sensitive,因此保守,industry. However, because rail networks and systems are highly complex, digital technologies can have a tremendous impact on efficiency, safety, asset maintenance and asset reliability. For countries with modern railway systems, digitalisation is a must if they are planning to enable high-speed and autonomous rail. The Leica Pegasus:Two offers survey-grade accuracy and high-resolution images for creating digital twins in the rail industry. It can be mounted on a rail-enabled vehicle or a road vehicle to capture data on and off track. The Leica Pegasus:Two captures rail track geometry, catenary, vegetation, and surrounding infrastructure, which can be used for rail track geometry evaluation, redesign, clearance analysis, autonomous trains, etc. Data capturing is quick and efficient, requires fewer people in potentially hazardous zones, and the Leica Pegasus:Two can be mounted on a train - reduces the need for rail track downtime.

Digitally enabled process optimisations mean faster transportation of people and freight, safer operations, fewer breakdowns – and increased public trust in these environmentally crucial transport solutions.

These are some of the many examples where I have seen the adoption of geospatial solutions. It’s inspiring, and I look forward to seeing our company continue to push the boundaries of geospatial technologies and witnessing how our customers put those technologies to use.

肯·穆伊曼(Ken Mooyman)是六边形地理系统部门的全球营销和传播执行副总裁,也是世界地理空间工业委员会(WGIC)的主席。bob体育报道

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