
Case study

作者:Per Norell

ängöentreprenad AB是一家瑞典公司,专门从事土方工程,用于住房开发,管道和排水。该公司由丹·约翰逊(Dan Johansson)于1980年代创立。如今,该公司雇用了大约25名员工和少数独立承包商。


“这在多种方面都充满挑战”。Mikael Persson解释说,他是该项目的测量师。

地形是山区的,狭窄,位于现有住宅区的中间,但直到现在,一切都按照计划进行。我们有好人,我们的机器配备了最新的机器控制技术,Leica MCP80控制面板和MC1软件。我们还拥有Leica GeoSystems的POL,ICG70 T GNSS Rovers和CC80平板电脑,使我们能够连续进行销售,以便我们的挖掘机操作员一直都知道该怎么做,这要归功于机器控制上的实时可用信息控制板。

Staking out much faster and safer

Entreprenad始于2009年的测量和利益,但并非2014年之前,该公司真正理解并经历了数字化的所有好处。如今,他们有六个配备了来自Leica Geosystems的机器控制解决方案,以及带有ICG70 T GNSS Rovers和Icon CC80现场平板电脑的两个测量线。这使得公司除了目前外包的测量服务外,还可以自己执行测量。

“我们于2009年购买了新的ICG70 T Rover和CC80现场平板电脑解释珀森。“The new model iCG70 T, with tilt compensation is a major improvement for me, who only works with measuring. I get a perfectly precise measurement without even having to hold the pole straight. This GNSS roversolution is very easy to use, and I can stake out much faster and safer, when I don’t have to hold the pole vertical at the exact point. It’s enough that the tip of the two-meter long carbon pole is placed at the measuring point, saving us a lot of climbing”.


All the data that Persson measures with his equipment is shared directly with the machine operators via Leica ConX, a cloud-based collaboration platform, as well as with his colleague that works with the other GNSS rover.


“我实际上不是数据专家,但是Leica Geosystems的解决方案是如此准确,合乎逻辑和用户友好,以至于我很容易学习如何使用它们。”said Persson.“我们的测量设备直接通过CONX与机器控制解决方案进行通信,以及负责测量的我们的测量设备也可以通过基于云的服务相互通信。此外,Leica Geosystems还提供了一个名为“ MyWorld”的平台,该平台非常概述我们所拥有的所有产品,当他们需要服务和可用的订阅时。bob综合app下载听起来更复杂,”确保珀森。“如果有任何疑问,Leica Geosystems提供了出色的支持。”


现场挖掘机之一是配备了Leica Geosystems最新技术的Volvo ECR235EL。安装在挖掘机上的控制面板是MCP80,其中所有MC1软件正在运行。HenrikWirkstrøm负责挖掘机,他在ängöEntreprenad工作了五年。

“我已经驾驶挖掘机已有15年了,但是五年前,我才与Machine Control接触。”Wirkstrøm说。“通常,机器控制使我能够更加独立地工作,从而使我更加高效。我可以在网站上四处走动而无需等待利益,导致停机时间很少。我真的很喜欢旧的挖掘机系统,但是新的解决方案更有效。”


“The biggest difference is that MC1 now communicates with the sensor for tilt rotator, which is a great advantage because I use the tilt rotator 99% of the time. It’s also nice that the panel is bigger. It’s easier to see and press the right button. What is most important for me is that the remote support from Leica Geosystems works well and they are always there if we run into any issues,”concludes Wirkstrøm.

Hexagon’s Heavy Construction portfolio, including Leica Geosystems, offers several tools that will increase the productivity of your team, make your construction site, communication and workflows more transparent and seamlessly integrated. With the combination of the right surveying tools, such as the Leica iCON iCG70 T GNSS rover, the multipurpose Leica MC1 3D machine control solution and with the cloud-based collaboration platform, Leica ConX, you are able to work more efficient, accurate thus saving time, costs and extra climbing.

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