
Case study

作者:克里斯托弗·多拉德(Christopher Dollard)

吉尔伯特·阿什是一家屡获殊荣的英国建筑公司,已完成高调和享有声望的建筑项目,从酒店和办公室到外国大使馆和领事馆,在30年中,在40个国家 /地区。在伦敦和贝尔法斯特的办事处,由于其专业知识和高质量的建设,他们经常被英国外国和英联邦办公室签约。他们最近构建了外交教学学院在伦敦的外国和联邦办公室威廉王子正式开放

The Diplomatic Teaching Academy, formally named as the Mayhew Theatre after Cecily Mayhew, the first female diplomat from Britain, is a parabolic glass, steel, and wood structure that had to be built in the courtyard of the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office in London - meaning that the steel superstructure needed to be lifted by crane into the courtyard located 90 meters away from road access and with only five metres of clearance on any side, which is quite a delicate operation.

对于这个项目,吉尔伯特·阿什(Gilbert-Ash)需要在紧密而敏感的空间内运行。他们还必须完成具有非常严格的几何设计规范的复杂且高度现代的建筑。幸运的是,他们投资了Leica BLK360成像激光扫描仪,这是一项重要的技术,可以帮助他们在Mayhew剧院取得成功,赢得了冠军2019年建筑卓越奖



“The superstructure of the building was acantilevered hyperbolic paraboloid顶部环横梁带有锌屋顶 - 由于其形状而被称为pringle-在建筑物内,您有一个椭圆形的抛物面雪松板板天花板。对于非架构,高度几何语言表明这是一个复杂的结构。

是的,双曲paraboloid-shaped品客薯片potato chips. To gain a sense for how complicated a “hyperbolic paraboloid” is, the New York Times发表了一篇文章about supercomputers and mentioned Pringles, specifically how they are engineered: “Procter & Gamble even uses supercomputers to make sure that Pringles go into cans without breaking.”

Clearly, the Mayhew Theatre is a complex structure that required impeccable precision at every stage of design and construction, and the hyperbolic paraboloid zinc roof, not unlike a Pringle fitting into a can, needed to fit into the courtyard without damage to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, a Grade 1 Listed Heritage building. If Pringles require supercomputers to fit into cans, then Gilbert-Ash certainly required a BLK360 to build the Mayhew Theatre successfully.

You can even view a detailed description and diagram of how the theatre was constructed in Construction Manager Magazinehere

吉尔伯特·阿什Invests in Leica BLK360 to Create 3D Models

在项目开始时,高级估算员McGeachy和Graeme Gourley意识到,他们需要对剧院的建筑计划进行非常精确的测量。他们已经在数字构建和现实捕获工具方面有一定的经验,但是McGeachy遇到了BLK360,并认为这可能是适合其技术组合的正确选择。bob综合app赌博

“我当时在一个数字建筑博览会上,检查了不同的摊位,然后遇到了Leica摊位。一位发言人通过它说服了我,并给了我一个示威活动。” McGeachy说。“到那时,很容易确定这将是我们数字施工工具的一个很好的补充。”



“For us to set-out dimensions on site, the only way we could see to do that was to capture it in 3D,” said McGeachy. They then used the BLK360 to scan the superstructure and determine precise dimensions, which they could then use to order other materials, like glass and wood components. The accurate point cloud data captured by the BLK360 enabled Gourley’s team to begin their entire design process with precision that helped ensure accuracy during every step of construction.

“我们是北爱尔兰最早投资莱卡BLK360的人之一。我们用它来捕获我们的3D点云数据。” McGeachy说。“借助我们开发的3D模型,我们可以轻松地确定所有三个学科之间的冲突,并与分包商举办研讨会,以开发更改设计的方法。”

Design and Construction Workflow for a Hyperbolic Paraboloid

捕获上层建筑后,McGeachy使用了几个工作流来处理数据并使用Autodesk Revit,Recap Pro&Mobile以及NavisWorks创建3D模型。然后,他能够开发现有的Revit模型和尺寸的AutoCAD图纸,钢铁分包商能够使用Tekla结构软件成功设计钢结构,框架和连接。

“You’ve got these very complex geometric shapes, and it makes it even more complicated when they’re relying on and interacting with each other in this design,” said McGeachy. Because of the variety of materials and shapes in the theatre’s design, Gilbert-Ash relied on essential data from the BLK360 to inform all 3D modelling needed to ensure successful completion of the Mayhew Theatre.

Gourley说:“ Leica BLK360基本上已经改变了我们完成项目的方式,这对我们产生了巨大的影响,尤其是在分包商的协调下。”“设计冲突可以早些时候确定,客户可以更好地了解他们在项目中的发展。”


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