Recipe for Success: 3D laser scanning for tank inspections

Case study

Author: Wagner Manurung

检查45米高罐面粉的最佳方法是什么?并计算出巨大的库存中的面粉?这些是项目控制者Liew Teik Wei及其在PT Wilmar印度尼西亚的团队所面临的挑战。该公司是威尔玛国际有限公司, Asia’s leading agribusiness group. Wilmar operates an integrated agribusiness model that encompasses the entire value chain of the agricultural commodity business, from cultivation, processing, merchandising to manufacturing of a wide range of agricultural products, including rice and wheat flour. It has an extensive distribution network covering China, India, five factories in Indonesia and a presence in 50 other countries and regions.

在此规模上加工农产品涉及在储罐和孤岛中存储大量农bob综合app下载产品。这些巨大的船只的保养是一项严肃的生意。这些坦克是该公司的关键财务资源,并且遵守国际安全标准。在PT Wilmar Nabati印度尼西亚,Liew Teik Wei的团队必须定期检查所有地上储罐,向管理层报告指示结构完整性的测量值。以前,坦克检查是一项耗时的手动过程。


PT Wilmar Indonesia wanted to find a way to make the tank inspection process more efficient. Faster, but without requiring more manpower. A new solution could not compromise the accuracy of the data or the safety of the team – ideally improving both.

Teik Wei已经在业务的其他部分中是Leica Geosystems用户选择实施激光扫描。他为团队配备了Leica RTC360激光扫描仪数字扫描筒仓和旋风3dr用于数据分析的软件。RTC360 3D激光扫描仪的测量速率高达每秒200万点,并且具有先进的高动力范围(HDR)成像系统,可在两分钟内完成彩色3D点云。


Comprehensive data capture to meet regulations

手动检查很耗时,因为要符合国际坦克检查标准(API 650/653),您需要准确收集多个数据点,包括直径测量,圆度,坦克的垂直度和内容的结算。这是衡量生产量的补充,这对业务来说是重要的信息。

通过捕获坦克的3D图像,RTC360扫描仪会在几分钟内收集此信息,Teik Wei的团队可以从点云中提取它。他解释说:“该分析过程是由Cyclone 3DR软件完成的,该软件专门根据国际标准进行校准和筒仓检查。”


由于该项目引入3D激光扫描的目的是提高效率,因此新技术无法对团队的时间提出额外的需求。Teik Wei和他的团队发现该解决方案易于使用,培训很少:“ Leica Geosystems产品易于设置和运行,因此我们不需要太多时间才能学习。”bob综合app下载

The lightweight portable laser scanners have had a positive impact on the way the team works. Fewer people need to be on site doing the inspections freeing up time to work on data analysis. Teik Wei explains, “[We had a] limitation in human resources to do data processing. Having the RTC360 in use takes few people to do the fieldwork (only one or two) while the other team members can be processing the data in the office.”



以及使用RTC360舱检查,Teik Wei’s team have been using them for stockpile calculations, where the ability to measure from a distance has been a real benefit: “We get accuracy on the calculation and it’s easy to proceed, so we have no issue anymore with high or large stockpiles. Previously, we used total stations and faced a difficult process in the field. Now, we are glad that we don’t necessarily need to climb the stockpile of the flour to measure the volume!.”

使用RTC360激光扫描仪和Cyclone 3DR软件进行坦克检查,这对于PT Wilmar Indonesia来说是成功的。不仅满足了提高效率的目标,而且3D扫描使Teik Wei的团队更容易向管理层向管理层报告维护和汇编其年度审核。

Teik Wei说:“它有助于启用简单的筒仓维护,将常规数据更改为3D数据,从而对捕获现场数据的各个角度创建清晰的报告。最后,它有助于PT Wilmar Management在3D数据中查看实际条件。现在,管理团队无需去现场检查工厂状况。”在3D扫描的数据丰富的输出中,所有内容都在其中。

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