Synchronising workflows with machine control

Video case study

作者:Reka Vasszi

Groundworks and landscaping are the first stages of any construction project. Preparing subsurfaces for stable building, requires the synchronised work of several heavy-construction machines. Leica Geosystems offers a wide range of machine control solutions to increase efficiency and productivity in field.


Phil Butterfield, operations manager at JBG Contractors, discusses his onsite experience with machine control and total stations from Leica Geosystems and howiCON solutionsimproved their operations while working on the Bomaderry Wastewater Treatment Plant in New South Wales.


Long-time partner ofC.R. KennedyJBG承包商忠于Leica Geosystems的客户,引入了许多发展,以提高生产力并确保该领域的安全性。

Their fleet of heavy-construction machines includesmore than 50 different apparatus– rollers, dozers, graders, excavators and Posi-Track loaders – equipped with advanced machine control technology, GPS and safety systems.

“We no longer need someone checking with lasers in front of the machines, it is a one-man operation now – that is one of the reasons why we choose machine control solutions from Leica Geosystems,”巴特菲尔德说。

At the moment, JBG Contractors有20个机器控制系统in place at the treatment plant, including:

使用ICON GPS 80机器Rover与ICON GPS 60智能天线结合使用,安装在建筑设备中,JBG承包商可以通过机器控制应用来提高生产率。机器控制面板可以在Posi-Track装载机,分级器,挖掘机和Dozers之间互换,为JBG承包商提供极大的灵活性来概述3D的工作流程,并在基本和ROVER之间迅速变化as required.

Total stations for construction

除了机器控制系统启用的效率和安全性外,Icon机器人50个电台允许团队能够bob apple准确绘制整个工作流程– from detailed earthworks for stormwater ponds to sludge lagoons and pavements.

“With the Leica iCON robotic total stations anything on the planet could be mapped. Basically, you are just not limited to pavements or slaps, any surface you can put down in 3D can also be converted into the machines’ control system,”巴特菲尔德说。

在准确性是关键的情况下,JBG承包商发现机器人总站是易于使用的绝佳解决方案,并且与Icon CC80 Field Constructibob appleon平板电脑,visualise data in real time.The combination of state-of-the-art Leica Geosystems’ solutions and C.R. Kennedy support exceeded the expectations of JBG Contractors and提高了他们的生产率,尤其是在大规模projects like the groundwork of Bomaderry Wastewater Treatment Plant.

“这确实是无限且轰动一时的装备。老实说,我认为每个建筑公司将来都会运营总站,”bob apple巴特菲尔德说。

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