

巨石阵Leica Geosystems

作者:Renata Barradas Gutiérrez

Geospatial technologies are reshaping how archaeologists study and unlock history’s secrets. Stonehenge, one of the most famous landmarks and studied monuments in the United Kingdom, is being revealed with modern tools after centuries of excavations and theories. With more than 10,000 years of history, this UNESCO World Heritage site, including the wider landscape where it sits, has been digitally mapped to disclose hundreds of new features, brightening our understanding of this iconic cultural landscape.

为了解决其奥秘,路德维希·鲍尔茨曼(Ludwig Boltzmann)考古学研究所和虚拟考古学研究所(LBI考古学)(LBI考古学)和伯明翰大学使用的地理空间技术,例如激光扫描,磁法,磁性仪和地面穿透性雷达与地理信息系统(GIS)(GIS)和GNSSS(GIS)组合,定位创建数字模型。模型include visible and invisible archaeological features that are part of a unified digital map


Tools for non-invasive archaeology

巨石阵Leica Geosystems


•Leica Geosystems机器人总站和现场软件bob apple
•Leica Geosystems GNSS和GPS系统
• Electromagnetic induction

巨石阵Leica Geosystems

新的data retrieved with all this equipment threw light upon 10,000 years of human progressand the culture and people that flourished around them. The measurementdata from ground-penetrating radar, high-resolution magnetometers and 3D laser scanning and geophysical instruments were combined within a GIS and then analysed to produce a multilayer digital map that shows how the landscape developed over thousands of years

Finding lost monuments in vacant space

巨石阵Leica Geosystems


“开发非侵入性方法来记录我们的文化遗产是我们这个时代最大的挑战之一,只能通过调整最新技术来实现,例如地面穿透雷达阵列和高分辨率磁力计;”said Professor Wolfgang Neubauer, director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute.“The developments of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology offers the opportunity to carry out fundamental archaeological research at a scale and precision never previously attempted。”

GPR与Leica GeosystemsGNSS天线用于用地理参考的局部坐标系绘制地下绘制地下绘制。使用Leica Geosystems GPS系统,LBI考古学家可以建立一个控制点网络,用于跟踪测量设备。地理参考方法的厘米准确性和速度对于此任务至关重要。

作为挑战的一部分,团队必须开发所有电动系统,并使他们在短时间内完成工作的同时在现场运行。维修,修改和开发必须在现场和自己进行。Neubauer教授和他的团队使用了Leica Geosystems GNSS和Leica Geosystems机器人总站来跟踪和浏览新型的机动调查工具,并为调查所揭示bob apple的“异常”的确切位置。

Anomalies detected by GPR in 2013, originally believed to be buried stones, have been staked out using Leica Geosystems total stations at Durrington Walls, 3 kilometres from the stone circle. The following excavations proofed the anomalies to be the stony refill of large pits for massive timber posts forming a major monument with a diameter of more than 500 metres predating the stone circle. The excavation project used fully 3D digital documentation including Leica Geoystems total stations and was awarded最好的project in the UK in 2016 by British Archaeology

Ancient engineering ambitions revealed

巨石阵Leica Geosystems

巨石阵在其景观中不隔离。这些发现有助于构思巨石阵,这是一个快速发展和动态的神圣景观的核心40公里平方。由于技术的进步和知识,对前所未有的规模和解决方案进行了调查,并揭示了幸存的古迹与许多其他属于失落文明的新纪念碑之间的复杂互连。这使科学家和研究人员能够将所有内容放在一张大局中 - 可以准确讲述巨石阵的故事,作为神圣景观的一部分。



巨石阵Leica Geosystems

最初用石材和骨工具雕刻的是用21世纪的地理空间技术揭示的。数百个新发现的功能使研究人员能够制作出更详细的考古数字地图,从而揭示了巨石阵的大图。Leica Geosystems设备帮助考古学家追踪了过去10,000年来占据景观的人类的痕迹,并将其在空间和时间上的地点与数字地图相关,这将指导未来的巨石阵及其景观。

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