Leica Geomos现在自定义连接控制

现在,Leica Geomos!通过任何基于Web的设备,可让您完全访问监视数据。

现在,Leica Geomos!是一个基于Web的应用程序,可通过任何基于Web的设备提供总时钟访问监视项目数据的全面访问。数据可立即可用,用户不需要以前关于开发网站的知识。

Intuitive and easy-to-use configuration tools simplify the creation of webpages. Manage, analyse and distribute the key information after one simple setup.

Using real-time data, early detection and fast reaction times can prevent potential problems before they develop, reducing risks and costs.



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Read how customers from around the world are putting our diverse solutions into action to shape smart change.

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