Revealing rail’s underground with detection radar

Case study

Author:Renata Barradas Gutiérrez

大多数人在街上行走不知道自己的脚下。安德烈·菲舍尔(Andre Fischer),电气工程师兼首席执行官Fischer扫描, knows there is an intricate network of utilities that unwind buried in the subsoil supporting the modern life that raises from the ground above. Pipes, fibre optic cables, steel pipes, power cables, communication lines, among others, need to be accurately detected and mapped before anyone starts digging to avoid any accidents or damage to the utilities. Fischer knows the importance of accurately locating and positing every type of utility and has been working for 10 years providing best-in-class, non-destructive testing and subsoil object location services.

Gearing up to uncover the unknown

Unleashing the potential

Gtu Ingenieurgeselgesellschaft MBH是1989年以来的岩土工程办公室,将费舍尔扫描带有复杂的任务 - 检测所有金属物体,这可能是弹药,这可能是第二次世界大战的弹药,在Niederhalden的德国火车站的铁轨下。Fischer必须以非破坏性的方式准确地定位金属物体,以便公司可以在铁轨下安装新的信号电缆,而不会面对任何障碍物。

配备Leica DS2000实用程序检测雷达andDX Office Visionutility post-processing software for this task, Fischer collected the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data by effortlessly pushing the DS2000 in single scan lines in area mode to detect the metal objects and utilities. The electrical engineer checked a3公里的部分沿着火车轨道的地下more than 30 locations在短短两天内完成任务的高效且节省时间的方式。

“其他方法,例如试验孔,太耗时,可能会引起公用事业的罢工,并具有额外的成本,例如人力和挖掘机。由于现场有电缆,因此无法使用替代金属探测器,”费舍尔说。“The DS2000 is compact, easy to set up, and the onboard software permits to check in real time the collected data on site. The efficient work reduced the time the train tracks needed to be closed saving time and costs.”

GPR数据后处理是在DX Office Vision中完成的,以创建对检测对象的专业文档。Fischer使用实用程序后处理软件进行了分析,发现并记录代表嵌入式对象的双曲线。GTU INGENIEURGESELLSCHAFT使用提供给客户的GPR数据,包括所有埋藏的对象和实用程序,以避免在钻孔和挖掘时避免实用程序罢工和弹药。

“I’m very convinced about this solution [DS2000 and DX Office Vision] because it is reliable as well as fast and highly performing. This solution proved to be the most suitable system for this kind of tasks and it allows me to work in the most efficient way and serve my clients’ projects,”费舍尔说。“该软件是直观且易于使用的,如果需要重新调整,可以绘制和验证办公室中的数据。”

Unleashing the potential

Gearing up to uncover the unknown

必须连续维护或维修地下下方的基础设施。为了了解公用事业的准确位置,Fischer Trusts Leica GeoSystems实用程序检测硬件和软件解决方案。Fischer Scan配备了地理系统技术,可为建筑结构的非破坏性测试以及使用雷达和磁性感应技术的地下管道和供应线的位置和定位提供合格的服务。提供的服务包括:

  • Locating and positioning of objects in the ground or concrete
  • 扫描数据分析咨询和扫描数据优化
  • 创建2D和3D扫描数据及其集成到DXF或DWG数据计划中。

“My company offers services to detect and position utilities in the underground. With Leica Geosystems as my competent partner, I have a complete solution to grow successfully my business over the next years,”concludes Fischer.

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